Safer Communities

Domonica supports common sense gun reform including universal background checks, safe storage, and red flag laws. It is imperative to fund and train the police to improve racial bias , but we also need to support the police with additional personnel so that officers can focus on matters of policing instead of a myriad of social problems such as substance use disorder and mental illness. Domonica pledges to propose bills to create red flag laws , and repeal permitless carry.

Protecting a Woman's Access to Healthcare

Domonica believes a woman’s healthcare decisions should be between her and her doctor, not politicians. Domonica supports high-quality healthcare for women, and believes in body autonomy. Domonica pledges to bring bills to the floor in support of a woman’s right to choose.

Small Businesses

Growing our economy means investing in our current and future workforce. Domonica recognizes that growing a strong workforce, recruiting new companies, and supporting small businesses means putting tax dollars back into our local schools, universities and colleges. Domonica understands the need to target resources in rural areas that are being left further behind. Domonica will work to make it easier to start, and manage small businesses by streamlining processes and reducing burdens on small businesses.

Protecting Our Educators

Education is where we deliver on the promise of equal opportunity and a brighter future for our children. To deliver on this promise, we must invest in our classrooms, reduce class size and raise teacher pay to ensure that every child in Tennessee receives a world-class education. We must also support our teachers, and trust them to provide fact based curriculum to our students , presented in a developmental and age-appropriate way. Supporting our Educators will also mean trusting their ability to perform the job duties as they are licensed and trained to do. No one standardized test can replace a trained Educators assessment of a child’s readiness to advance to the next grade level.

Medicaid Expansion

Domonica supports closing the health insurance coverage gap by expanding Medicaid. Under expansion, health care would be provided to hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans currently without coverage. Medicaid expansion would yield a net gain in our state's economy by supporting 15,000 new jobs and making Tennesseans healthier on average. Expansion would provide billions of dollars to TN hospitals, many of which, especially in our rural areas, are struggling to survive.


Domonica is committed to ending anti-LGBTQIA+ violence, bullying, and discrimination, and to ensuring that LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans are treated with dignity and respect in all spaces.